Every sector requires its specific plastic packaging, bottles and containers. For this reason, our company has specialized in the blow molding process of plastic materials to meet the needs of food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, chemical / cleaning and coating industries.  

We provide a wide range of plastic containers, such as cosmetic bottles, pots, technical articles with different shapes and sizes, ranging from 5 ml to 200 litres. You can choose your containers with standard or customized colours and, on request, we also offer a decoration service with a very short production time.

One of our strengths is that we produce our plastic products recycling different types of materials such as HDPE, PP, PETG, PVC, PET.
Moreover, we are a leading company in the production of liners made of low-density polyethylene LDPE and used for standard and open-head drums and ISO-Container drums from 10 to 217 litres.

Download 2024 Catalogue

Our aim is customer satisfaction, and to achieve it we try to offer increasingly innovative products. But there is more! We want to realize our products while taking care of the environment and all our staff.
For this reason, Piccoli Plast has embarked on a new "green" path offering its customers the possibility of purchasing containers realized with materials coming from renewable sources (sugar cane) with the same characteristics as traditional solutions. “Green” polyethylene helps reduce greenhouse gases and is 100% recyclable.
At the same time, despite the general economic situation that our country is going through, we are continuing to renovate and replace our production plants with new electric low-consumption and less noisy machines and using green energy coming from our photovoltaic system.

In our "small" way, we are trying to use less energy and reduce noise pollution. Discover all our products!


News: Just in Time service – articles in stock


For some of our products we offer a “Just in time” service keeping the items in stock for both small and large quantities.

Depending on customer request there is the possibility of purchasing starting from a box up to the quantity required and available, considering that the quantity of each box changes depending on the item.

If the quantity required is larger than our stock, delivery times for the new production would still be approximately 3 weeks from the order.

The products included in the Just in time service are: the Kristal and Cosmea Pet Series in neutral and white PET color and the new Airless bottles.

For any information you can contact our customer service.

Via Roma, 19
26842 Caselle Landi (LO)
Tel. +39 0377 69476
Fax + 39 0377 695656
C.F. e P. Iva: 10275550159
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail PEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Ai sensi dell'art. 13 Decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 - Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali Piccoli Plast s.r.l. rende noto che:
1) I dati personali trasmessi verranno trattati per finalita' connesse ai servizi richiesti e per l'invio di materiale di propaganda da parte del solo Piccoli Plast s.r.l.;
2)In relazione alle indicate finalità, il trattamento dei dati avviene mediante strumenti informatici, con logiche strettamente correlate alle finalità stesse e comunque in modo da garantire la sicurezza e la riservatezza dei dati personali.
3) Il conferimento dei dati richiesti da Piccoli Plast s.r.l. è necessario per poter soddisfare la richiesta di informazioni o servizi. Il rifiuto da parte dell'interessato a conferire i dati richiesti, non consentirà a Piccoli Plast s.r.l. di avviare alcun rapporto di collaborazione.
4) Piccoli Plast s.r.l. dichiara che i dati personali raccolti non saranno comunicati a terzi se non per la soddisfazione di obblighi previsti dalla legge.
5) Gli interessati sono informati dei diritti che l'art. 7 del "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali" conferisce ai cittadini.
In particolare gli interessati possono ottenere da Piccoli Plast s.r.l. la conferma dell'esistenza o no di propri dati personali e la loro messa a disposizione in forma intelligibile. Gli interessati possono altresi chiedere di conoscere l'origine dei dati nonchè la logica e le finalità su cui si basa il trattamento; di ottenere l'aggiornamento, la rettificazione o, se vi è interesse, l'integrazione dei dati, nonchè la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge. Infine gli interessati possono opporsi per motivi legittimi, al trattamento dati anche se pertinente allo scopo della raccolta e comunque nel caso di trattamenti effettuati per scopi commerciali.
6) Titolare e Responsabile del trattamento dei dati e' Piccoli Plast s.r.l..

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Beauty to Business Summit Bergamo 2024:
16-18 October 2024
Hall B Stand 110


France PCD Paris:
17-18 January 2024
Stand C160


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21-23 March 2024
Hall 20 Stand E9

The quality system and customer satisfaction have always been a source of inspiration for our company.

We constantly check the quality of our products, the materials used and our production process.

We pay very attention to the needs and requests of our customers.

Since 2004 our Company has adopted a UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system for the design and production of plastic packaging and technical articles.

We are proud to have obtained the ISCC-PLUS Certification: The International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) is an international certification program for the circular economy that focuses on verifying the traceability of recycled materials (e.g. mixed plastic waste) on the basis of mass balance accounting principles.

Quality certification

ISCC PLUS certificate

Our aim is to create, produce and supply quality articles. We are dynamic, creative and we have passion and technical experience for our job. We take care of our employees, our customers and the environment. For this reason we have invested many resources by replacing obsolete production facilities with new less noisy and electric machines and through a photovoltaic system for the self-production of clean electricity.

Raw materials we use are in compliance with current regulations. On request, there is the possibility to have containers made with materials from renewable sources (sugar cane), containers in "post-consumer recycled" PCR-HDPE and R-PET.

In addition to standard products, our research and development dept. is able to answer any request for custom items, working together to give shape to your ideas or proposing new and different solutions for your packaging, as well as the feasibility study and implementation of the mold.
Our workshop is equipped for the construction and maintenance of moulds and with all the necessary equipment for finishing and processing of plastics.

Piccoli Plast was founded by Mr. Giuseppe Tantardini and his family in the '90s, who started this business with passion and entrepreneurial spirit in a small warehouse of about 600 square meters with only 2 blow molding machines. Over the years Piccoli Plast has grown and it has become a leading company in the field of plastic injection molding operating both nationally and internationally.

Among the greatest professionals in the field of plastic injection molding, our company is located on an area of 11,000 square meters (about 5,500 square meters covered) with about thirty blow molding machines and an internal workshop equipped for the production of molds and plastic finishing.

Piccoli Plast has been working in the field of blow molding for more than 30 years and has specialized in the production of sustainable plastic packaging and containers.

We offer a wide range of products that meet all the needs of numerous sectors such as foodcosmeticspharmaceuticalchemical / cleaning and coating industry.

Moreover, Piccoli Plast is a leading company in the production of liners made of low-density polyethylene LDPE and used for standard and open-head drums and ISO-Container drums from 10 up to 217 litres.

We produce plastic packaging and containers with a capacity that can change from 5 ml to 200 lt., with standard or customized colors and, on request, we offer a decoration service with a very short production time. Our selection of products is constantly expanded and enriched with new items, in order to always offer our customers innovative and cutting-edge solutions.

Piccoli Plast is the right answer if you are looking for punctualityflexibilitydynamism, and respect for the environment. In particular, we pay special attention to the production of sustainable plastic packaging using, on request, recycled materials to create new containers and bottles and offer environmentally conscious products to customers.

We are fully aware of the environmental impact that the plastic industry can have, and that is why our commitment to the environment is demonstrated through concrete actions within our company. We continuously renew and replace our production machinery with low-consumption and low-noise electric models, and we have installed a photovoltaic system for self-produced electricity. These efforts enable us to assist our customers in making an informed choice when purchasing packaging, while actively contributing to reducing the environmental impact of plastic.

Visit our website and find the solution that best suits your needs and desires: rely on Piccoli Plast, a true point of reference among the companies operating in the field of plastic blow molding industry!